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Special Offers

  • Category Archives : Special Offers

(Português do Brasil) Pacotes Especiais para o Dia dos Namorados

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Português do Brasil) Programando o feriado de Corpus Christi?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Português do Brasil) Você sabia que hoje é o dia do abraço?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Português do Brasil) Ganhe 5% de desconto reservando pelo site dos Hotéis Suárez

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Português do Brasil) Check-in online nos Hotéis Suárez

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Português do Brasil) Faça a sua reserva em um dos Hotéis Suárez pelo WhatsApp

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

(Português do Brasil) A equipe dos Hotéis Suárez deseja um Feliz Ano-Novo!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

Responsible Tourism Seal

Suárez Hotels are certified with the Clean and Safe Responsible Tourism Seal. This is a program that establishes good hygiene practices for the tourism sector. The seal is an incentive for consumers to feel safe when traveling and going to places that comply with specific protocols for the prevention of Covid-19, positioning Brazil as a

(Português do Brasil) Dia dos Namorados

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.

What you need to know about hand luggage

Hand luggage is one that you can take inside the plane, without having to check in the rest of the luggage. Currently, it is possible to take as hand luggage a suitcase with up to 10 kg + a personal item, which can be a smaller bag with documents, money, etc. Materials that may be